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Alpha Tracker Asbestos Register
Telephone 01342 31 38 48

Asbestos Air Monitoring

Asbestos air monitoring can help save lives, as it tests the level of asbestos fibres that could be in the air we breathe. 

At Fibre Management, we arrange for one of our qualified consultants to take an air sample on site. The air is drawn in through a filter which is then mounted and analysed using Phase Contrast Microscopy (PCM).

Air monitoring is typically used to assess the level of asbestos airborne fibres in the following scenarios :

  1. During and after any asbestos remediation works . This is to ensure that asbestos levels are below a safe limit for locations to be occupied.
  2. To assess background airborne fibre levels for the reassurance of building users
  3. To confirm if the correct level of respiratory protective equipment is being used by employees while work is being carried out.


The results of the air monitoring tests will be provided to you via a certificate of reoccupation (for works where an enclosure is used), or an air testing certificate.

The certificates can be left as hard copies onsite, immediately on completion of the testing or digitally quality checked copies within 48 hours of project completion.

Let us take care of it

Air Monitoring can be combined with our consultancy work, where we manage the remediation work and provide updated registers to ensure ongoing compliance and peace of mind that your asbestos is being managed correctly.

Call us on 01342 31 38 48 or complete our request a callback form.

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